Myths vs Facts

Breast Cancer: Prevention and Access to Care

FACT: You can be at higher risk for breast cancer if there is a history of breast or ovarian cancer on EITHER side of your family.

Often, people think that they are not at risk for breast cancer if the history of breast or ovarian cancer is on their father’s side of the family. This is not true. Make sure your doctor knows about your family history of cancer on both sides of your family.
FACT: Anyone can have a hereditary cancer condition no matter their race, ethnicity, or religious background.

While it is true that individuals of Ashkenazi Jewish heritage are more likely to have a hereditary breast cancer running in their family, this is only one risk factor. If you have a strong family history of cancer, you may need genetic testing for breast cancer.
FACT: You can still be at higher risk for breast cancer without a known genetic mutation, especially if you have relatives with breast cancer or other personal risk factors for breast cancer.
FACT: Cancer genetic counseling is easy to access.

There are many cancer genetic counselors in Ohio and throughout the United States. Many of them offer genetic counseling by telephone or video to make your appointment more convenient.
FACT: Most insurance companies cover the costs of genetic counseling.

If genetic counseling is not covered by your insurance you can either apply for HCAP funds or ask your provider to help you locate a clinic that does not charge.
FACT: Most insurance companies cover the costs of genetic testing and if it is not covered, the most a patient would pay is $250.

There are financial assistance programs available that cover testing for those who have Medicaid or who have financial need.
FACT: Regular screenings and knowing your family history of breast cancer are both things that you can do to help fight breast cancer.

It is important that you receive breast cancer screening that is specific to your risk level so you can catch breast cancer early when it has better outcomes. If you have a strong family history of breast or ovarian cancer, you may need earlier and more frequent breast cancer screening or screening other than mammograms. Other prevention options may also be available if you have a strong family history of breast or ovarian cancer.
FACT: Breast cancer can be treated and long-term survival is very good when breast cancer is caught early.

This is why it is important to have breast cancer screening that is specific to your risk level.
FACT: There is NO evidence to suggest that cell phones, underwire bras or deodorant cause breast cancer.